Get in my brain
Sometimes I write stuff and share it here. It might be about storytelling, neuroscience, human behavior, or generally about … life. Basically, whatever the hell I feel like writing. And sometimes written with friends.
Enjoy the ride.
Are we even here yet?
(A journey to the Middle of Nowhere AKA my stint as tour manager ... featuring miniature alpacas and a poorly conceived gas siphoning escapade.)
Incentives Got
To Move It Move It
(A tour of things that suck at motivating people—
and what to do instead.)
Funny you should lead like that.
(A plea to think funny.)
Stop trying to be creative.
(A reminder of what you already are.)
The language of a successful workplace
(A sciencey look at saying stuff that makes work better.)
What brands get wrong about story.
(A tiny, potentially useful rant.)
Humans suck at predicting the future.
(A heart-shaped forecast.)
Likey what you see?
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For your brain. For science. For yay.