Humans suck at predicting the future.
A brief forecast by Jocelyn Brady
Humans are notoriously bad at predicting the future but fck it, imma do it anyway.
Because it's the future I want. And it's the one I feel we all need.
2020: The year the people WOKE UP.
We started demanding honest conversations.
We started breaking the systems that were breaking us.
“To accept one’s past—one’s history—is not the same thing as drowning in it; it is learning how to use it. An invented past can never be used; it cracks and crumbles under the pressures of life like clay in a season of drought.
— James Baldwin
We began to recognize—and ourselves become—true leaders:
People who demonstrate and embrace that being a human can be hard and that we mess up and we feel a whole helluva a lot and THAT IS OKAY.
We keep learning.
We keep moving forward.
We keep ourselves accountable.
We all agree--and no longer need the obvious science to convince us--that human beings are FEELING creatures who act out of emotion.
And that we can all learn to process our feelings better, and get along better, when we're honest about that.
We realize that LIFE is constantly in motion and that we're at our best when we stop pretending, and stop oppressing, and come together to create what we all REALLY want:
A more human world.
“The leaders were smart but also clumsy, detailed but also chilled, experts but also humble. For the first time in my career I saw a model of leadership that felt honest, conscious, human.
They were being themselves and gave us all the permission to do the same."
We can’t predict a future we aren’t willing to create.
Let’s talk about how to make shit better.