I was born near an arctic tundra…
(O Canadaaaa)

…and raised on an active volcano.
me >>

When I was 7, lava gobbled up my house in Kalapana Gardens.
(Not pictured: My actual house)

So me and my dad lived in a homeless shelter for a little while …

But it wasn’t all that bad.
I grew up surfing…
Playing in nature…

And I was lucky enough to learn some really important lessons early on:

Infant whales can breach out of the water immediately so like, what are WE doing with our lives?
Be in f*cking awe of being alive
& find what makes you literally jump for joy.

Lava is merciless, tides come and go, and you gotta work hard to catch that perfect wave… which only lasts a few seconds.
Enjoy the ride. Don’t cling to the past.
Patience and perseverance pays.

No thing lasts forever.
Including time.
So do the thing you love.
While you still have the chance.

Above all, I learned: The MOST important THING is to live a life you LOVE.

(I mean it.)
Oh, and remember:
You might change your mind about what you love, too.
And when that happens, it can be gut-punchy hard to leave what you know.
Or to start something new.
But taking the leap is totally worth it.
case in point:
I once built an agency around my love of words & story...
(Baby Scribe was born in 2008.)
My biz did some pretty cool work—for pretty big (multi-billion-dollar) brands…
Verbal identities & strategies …
Global training & workshops…
Consultancy for a Super Bowl ad.

But about a decade in, I started to notice a minor existential problem …
This isn’t how I want to live.
I didn’t want to JUST help brands tell better stories so they could sell.
I wanted to help brains tell better stories so people could live well.
Welp. I knew what that meant: My next adventure called.
I’d become grrreat at making friends with big, scary changes so… I answered.
(Cue: hard core diving into neuroscience and psychology and human behavior)
I became a Brain &
Certified by the NeuroLeadership Institute in 2017 and Tiny Habits in 2021.
(And creator of Tiny Tips, the internet’s favorite way to brain.)
To help high-performing leaders take the biggest, most important leaps of their lives.
Leaving a cozy career to become a successful entrepreneur.
Selling their app idea to a global tech giant.
Launching their first art show.
Starting a film festival.
Writing their first book.
Rekindling their joy & confidence.
Remembering to play.
(All true stories.)

So they can live the kind of story they’re stoked AF to tell.
Because life’s too short not to love it to death, ya know?
Wanna work magic on your brain and create your f*ck yeah kinda life?
Yassss. Let’s GO.